Internal Audit Training
Quality Concepts, Inc. will conduct an internal audit class for your personnel onsite at the your facility or at a facility chosen by the you. The class will include the following:
- Internal auditing course material, including a copy of the applicable Standard.
- Overview of the history of ISO and background on auditing in general.
- Course exercises to reinforce the classroom teaching, including a mock audit.
- Review of ISO Standards for Internal Auditing.
- Techniques used in auditing.
- How to construct an audit schedule.
- How to conduct an internal audit.
- Interview techniques and gathering objective evidence.
- Classifying nonconformities and writing corrective actions.
- Writing audit reports.
- Actual conducting of a “live” audit.
- Examination at the conclusion of the course.
- Issuing a Certificate of Completion of the Internal Audit course.
A Full Range of Assistance
In addition to working with your team to train them in internal auditing and quality management system protocols, we also provide development for a number of quality systems for various industries. In addition to ISO 9001, ISO 14000 and ISO 45001 for the environmental field. Our quality management system training curriculum includes all of the following:
- Performing Internal Audits
- Maintaining Calibration Systems
- Performing Supplier Audits
- Management Review Meetings
- Objective Planning for Your Company
- Document Control
- Corrective Action Trend Analysis
- Nonconforming Material Trends
- Report Writing
- Checking for QMS Compliance
- QMS Implementation Training
- QMS Documents Training
- QMS Awareness Training
- Industry Specific Training
- Internal Auditor Training
- Non-Conformance Training
- Risk Management Training
- Configuration Management Training

Quality System Rejuvenation
We also provide assistance to companies that already have a quality management system in place but do not use it to its fullest extent. If you have abandoned your QMS, are unsure how to follow it, or feel that it is ineffective in maintaining consistent quality, let our team offer a fresh look at your company and offer our expert advice.